GPS address
Rådhustorvet 2, 8700 Horsens

Entering the hotel

You can enter the hotel from Søndergade 22, 8700 Horsens (pedestrian street) and from the parking lot behind the hotel.

If you come by car enter the GPS address - Raadhustorvet 2, 8700 Horsens, Denmark.

Digital parking is available in the reception area.

GPS address to parking lot

  • Raadhustorvet 2, 8700 Horsens, Denmark
  • Inner parking area
  • Digital registration at the parkingstand in the receptionarea


Free parking at TeaterHotellet’s parking lot. 

Please be aware that parking is at your own risk.



Søndergade 22
DK-8700 Horsens

Entrance to parking lot

Rådhustorvet 2
8700 Horsens

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